Website Services

Offering website building, hosting, updates and maintenance packages.

man sitting on chair wearing gray crew-neck long-sleeved shirt using Apple Magic Keyboard
man sitting on chair wearing gray crew-neck long-sleeved shirt using Apple Magic Keyboard
turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table
turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table
Become A Partner
Build, Host & Maintain Package

The full package starting from £179 per year, custom packages available to suit all needs.

Becoming a partner has its benefits and that is not even mentioning the difference you can make to other peoples lives.

Website Services

Offering website building, hosting, and maintenance for non profit advertisers.

six white sticky notes
six white sticky notes
Benefitting Advertisers Directly

Run as non profit to help the less fortunate.

person using laptop computer holding card
person using laptop computer holding card
three person pointing the silver laptop computer
three person pointing the silver laptop computer
laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table
Supporting the Community

Empower your business while making a positive impact.

Contact Us for Website Services

Get in touch with us for website building, hosting, and maintenance services. Help us make a difference for the less fortunate!